Log #47–18/01/2022

2 min readFeb 18, 2022

Ok, seems like this NFT bull run is starting to cool down. As I initially thought, it won’t be possible to launch in this bull run.
This project started at the top of the last bull run, August 2021. As the scene was resting from the insane amount of money poured in, I was researching and talking to artists. At some point, after understand all the process and amount of time it would take, I was able to establish 5 to 8 months to finish this project. And I was certain we wouldn’t be all done for the next bull run (i.e.: January bull run; now).

All that said, the current state of the project:

We are still doing the art. It’s is the most important feature of the project, so no rush here. To be honest, there’s no way to rush haha.
We are constantly tweaking our discord server, adding and removing info and features as the project matures.
We are looking for more information on NFTs in general daily. Trends, new uses, new collections, how they organize, what successful collections are doing, what flopped collections did wrong.

We have 6 artists making our amigurumis.
3 finished their workload a few weeks ago.
1 just finished today. That’s what inspired me to write this update.
2 are still working on their stuff.
One of them is the “lead artist”. We worked together with a character designer to develop the Voodies design. She is doing all the Voodies and traits, like head and hand objects. The other artists were responsible for doing the Companions.
The other artist still working is my wife! 🖤 She is really pro at cross stitching, so we are incorporating a few pixelated designs. She is also making a few amigurumis. She is working on traits and few other elements, like OS, twitter and discord logos for the website.

I think it will take another month to complete all the art. After that, we can start photographing at the studio!

As I said, no rush. After everything is done, market will help us decide the best date to launch.


